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"El Regalo del Elefante" es un hermoso cuento donde cada semana, en una sesión de 30 minutos,  se cuenta una historia que hace reflexionar a  niños y niñas de distintos temas para aprender a disfrutar de la “Consciencia Plena”. 

Enseñamos de manera lúdica, distintas técnicas y prácticas  para ayudar a 

desarrollar su autoestima,  la empatía, a estar más calmados, vivir  felices y en paz consigo mismo y con los demás.

Child Reader

This beautiful project seeks to foster in children a love for books and reading. It also teaches them to be caring, to respect for what belongs to everyone, to be responsible and to be orderly among many other things.

Ecological Project

This project seeks to raise the children's awareness in the need to care for the planet. We have days of planting, waste separation, recycling, reuse, among many other activities throughout the school year. We work together for our planet, taking responsibility for the small space we live in.



Montessori Yoga is a project to help children become aware with their emotions. Calm breathing, silence, balance and full consciousness, can be fostered from childhood onward bring spiritual and emotional growth.

ECO-Friendly Food

We have ecological catering, nutritionally balanced foods and menus designed for children's specific nutritional requirements. Occasionally we cook together using carefully selected children's recipes and recipes suggested by children's families. During the year we have picnics in the park where sharing and sociability are encouraged.


Through the "Montessori Bells" and various instruments appropriate to children's age, we  explore different rhythms, learn the musical notes and music and songs from different parts of the world.



Children are naturally creative, and their way of looking at the world is unique. Montessori art involves observing and handling objects and making works of art with natural or reusable materials. We collect objects from the environment and provide children with freedom to let their imagination and creativity fly.

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